End of year or end of module

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The QMplus course rollover

When a course finishes in QMplus, normally the teacher/course administrator will want to rollover the QMplus course area in order to prepare the course area for the next intake of students. Teachers are advised to contact the QMplus School Administrators who will be able to do this as part of a bulk rollover or via the course rollover block. If the School does not have a person appointed for this role then you can raise a ticket to have the course areas rolled over.

Please note: You must have QMplus Administrator access (super admins) in order to carry our a QMplus course rollover.
This guide assumes that you have the correct access.

What is the QMplus course rollover process?

The QMplus course rollover process removes all current student enrolment and current student data.

By default the data that will be removed includes:

  1. All student enrolments
  2. All student activities e.g. essay submissions, quiz attempts, feedback responses
  3. All Turnitin assignment activities
  4. All calendar events and course log reports

The following can be optionally removed:

  1. Any viewers enrolled on the course area
  2. QMplus standard assignment activities  (student submissions and Turnitin assignment activities are removed by default)
  3. Forum posts, glossary entries, wiki entries, quiz attempts etc
  4. Groups and groupings that have been set up (although student group members will be removed as those students will no longer be enrolled on the course area)
  5. Any Gradebook items and categories

Everything else in your existing module will be retained including:

  1. All activities that have been set up (except Turnitin assignment activities) such as discussion forums, workshops and feedback activities
  2. All resources created including uploaded files, reading lists, lecture notes, pages, lightbox galleries, books etc
  3. All teaching staff associated with the module including Course leaders, Course admins, Teaching assistants, non-editing teachers
  4. Any custom enrolment rules (e.g. groups and custom mappings) that have been applied to the module

Although all assignment submissions will be removed by default, administrators can choose to retain the QMplus standard assignment activity. This will allow staff to be able to edit the QMplus assignment due date and/or any other information, rather then have to re-create the QMplus assignment.

Turnitin assignments will be removed by default and staff will need to re-create any Turnitin assignment activities.

Before the course rollover

  1. Please ensure that you have downloaded and stored current students’ work, as per your local school arrangements, before the rollover is scheduled to take place. The TEL team cannot take responsibility for content lost as a result of a rollover which was scheduled by a member of staff.
  2. An Archive of QMplus is available and contains content that was added to QMplus before the upgrade in early July 2020. Anything added to QMplus after this date will not be included in the archive.
  3. It is possible to get a copy of your course area so that you can have both an old version and a new version of your course available. We recommend that you do this if you need to have current students still accessing your course area while you prepare a new area for new students, or if you would like to retain any student work which was not included in the archive. This is done by creating a Duplicate of the course and can be requested by emailing your QMplus School Administrators. One version of the course area will be kept for current students, the other will be rolled over for new students.
  4. If you have custom enrolment rules associated with your QMplus course, this will be automatically rolled over unless an administrator amends this. Custom enrolment mappings will be displayed on the rollover screens.
  5. If you are using QMplus course areas to deliver information or admin documents rather than an academic course and do NOT require a new course area then do not schedule a rollover, your course will stay as it is and all users will remain.
  6. It will also be possible to carry on using some activity types, groups and roles in your module from one year to the next.

Scheduling the course rollover

  1. QMplus Administrators will be able to schedule the rollover either by the bulk rollover or the course rollover block. They can add the course rollover block after the upgrade and will be emailed regarding the date.
  2. You can schedule the rollover to take place at any time – either on the same day or a date in future.
  3. By default, the rollover scheduler will try to determine what the course code will be, based on the previous years course code. If there was no course code in the existing course, then this field will be left blank – and no students will be enrolled. This course code needs to match with the module code in SITS in order for the correct students to be enrolled automatically from SITS. If this is not correct then the wrong students, or no students, will be enrolled on to the course area. Administrators can edit the course code at the time of rollover, by ticking the ‘Enter Code’ box.
  4. Non-standard modules (e.g. those with Custom enrolment rules and often prefixed with NS_Module Code) will remain the same.
  5. Select the required options from optional sections.

Please note: Once the rollover has taken place it cannot be undone. You will be able to edit the rollover or re-do it, but you will not be able to get back any content that has been lost during the rollover.

After the course rollover

  1. Once the rollover has taken place it cannot be undone. You can, however, re-do the rollover, although you won’t be able to get back any lost content. If you would like to restore any content, please raise a ticket with the Helpdesk as soon as possible.
  2. When you have completed the Rollover form and selected ‘Schedule Rollover’ you will be emailed the details of your submission. Your rollover request will be put in a queue and you will receive notification when it has taken place via email. (Nb. the email is sent to the person who has scheduled the rollover) 
  3. When your course is rolled over, the module code and full name will automatically change to reflect the new teaching year and the module ID will point to the new SITS code. Most enrolments onto the course will take place after SITS progression in August or when the students are cleared via the registry. However, the teaching year will need to be added manually to the end of the course full name and course short name.

An image of where to add the teaching year

  1. The rolled over course will be hidden from students after the rollover. Please remember to ‘show’ the course area under the course settings once you have updated it.
  2. When your course has been rolled over you can turn your attention to what you can add, delete, improve upon this year.
  3. At the end of every year before or after the archiving process  we would advise all QMplus users to help us reduce overall file size of the system by:
    1. Deleting any files no longer in use or duplicate files
    2. Optimising any web video or audio files, PowerPoint or PDFs to reduce their file size
    3. Consider converting PDFs into Moodle pages (this increases response time to the page and decreases file number and size on QMplus).
    4. Embedding video from external sources like QMplus Media, Vimeo or YouTube rather than uploading

The rollover block

Once the QMplus administrators have scheduled the rollover, they can add this block to their course pages to allow teachers and course administrators to see details of the rollover. Once the course has been rolled over the block will be updated to confirm the course has been rolled over.

Sample Course Rollover Block:

Showing sample course rollover block

Bulk Rollover

If you have a large number of courses to rollover, and they sit within the same QMplus category (or school), then the Bulk rollover feature will allow you to rollover a large number of courses at one time.

The Bulk Rollover feature is available at the category level, enabling multiple courses to be rolled over at once, which is particularly useful when many of the settings for content are the same between courses. The feature is only available to those with Administrator access on QMplus (super admins).

Please note: any data lost through selecting incorrect settings cannot be retrieved. If you are ready to proceed with a bulk rollover, please refer to our QMplus bulk rollover guide.

Useful Resources

  1. Copy course or Duplicating a course (versus rollover).
  2. End of year FAQs