// Hello.cpp - first program in c++ //There are different ways to comment out something in C++ /*Another way to comment something in C++*/ //Preprocessor commands that starts with a # sign: //The preprocessor is actually the step before compiling and it brings other files into the file that we compile. //In this case we bring the new libraries. //#include "stdafx.h" #include #include using namespace std; //Main Code //We have main function int main() { //std identifies the standard namespace //:: scope resolution operator //cout console output //<< indicates whatever comes next is going to be sent to the console output cout << "Type in the account you would like to open " << endl; //The line prints on the screen string name; //Declare a variable of a given type //cin used to get the console input // >> extraction operator cin >> name; //The line aloows to input the name from keyboard and put it into variable name cout << "The name of account being opened is " << name << " account" << endl; //The line prints on the screen system("pause"); return 0; }