video downloadable

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How to do it?

Navigate to the video in your Mymedia area  and find the video. Click on the pencil icon.

A video in QMplus Media gallery with the edit pencil icon highlighted

Click on the publish tab and select private if it is not already selected. 

The publish tab is selected and the private box ticked.

Save. Select the Downloads tab. You will now be able to select the formats that you would like people to be able to download. The options are:

  • Source – this allows users to download the original file in original size and quality. We generally wouldn’t recommend using this option as it may be a very large file in a non-standard format.
  • HD/1080 – WEB (H264/4000) – This will be a high definition video file in Mp4 format, good for watching videos on a big screen. If you have made a screen capture then always select this format.
  • SD/Large – WEB/MBL (H264/1500) – This is a standard definition file that is smaller in size and takes less space. Good for watching it on mobile devices.
 You can select any or all of the formats. Once you have made your selection, click Save. You will have to repeat this process for all the videos you want to make downloadable.

The downloads tab is selected and the different source types highlighted

Now your video will be downloadable.