End of year FAQs

Why can’t I see the Rollover block?

The block will need to be added to your course page by the QMplus School administrator once the rollover has been scheduled to take place. If you are a QMplus School administrator and cannot add the block, please raise a ticket with Helpdesk.


What if I do nothing?

If you do not schedule a rollover then your QMplus course area will remain accessible to the current year’s students; next year’s students will not be able to access the QMplus course area until the course has been rolled over or a new course area is created.


I set the rollover date too early can I change it back?

Once the rollover has occurred it cannot be undone. You can re-do or amend a rollover as often as you like, via the same rollover block. If you have lost data please raise a ticket through the Helpdesk and will we do what we can to retrieve old data. The E-Learning Support will try to assist but cannot guarantee that they will be able to retrieve any content that has been removed.


What if I require a new QMplus module for the coming academic year?

If you require a completely new module area to be set-up rather than a reset of an existing module your QMplus administrators can create this for you. This may be because you don’t want to use last year’s content or because you are teaching something new.


How will resit students access their course areas?

You may need to manually add any resit students to the correct course area.

For resit students, you can either:

  1. Allow resit students to view content on the archived version of the course area via the archive site (the archive site will become available in Mid-July). Students should not submit any work to the archive site.
  2. If you would like resit students to submit work, they can be given access to the course area on the live QMplus site (instead of the archive) – in which case you would want to create a duplicate copy of the course area on the live site – one version will be the old course area for the resit students, and the duplicate copy will be rolled over and used for the new students.
  3. Another option would be to have a new course area set up on the live QMplus site and there can be a section within there for resit students to submit any work (you can set up restrictions so that only resit students will see this section).


What is the process for modules/programmes which do not end at the time the archive is taken?

Quite a few courses and programmes teach throughout the year or at different times to the standard. You may continue to use the course area on QMplus until the course ends. Once the course has ended, we advise that the course area be duplicated on the live site. The duplicate copy of the course area would then be rolled over, and the original course area will be preserved.

If you would like to start developing your course for the next academic year simultaneously, you will need to request a copy via the ITS Helpdesk (its-helpdesk@qmul.ac.uk or ext 8888). If there is an overlap between the end of one course and the beginning of the next then two live copies of the course with different course data may be present.


I have a non-teaching module in QMplus does the reset affect me?

Not necessarily. You may not wish to delete all your user data from your module as your module might be running for other reasons than teaching e.g. developing library resources or a school administrative area for staff. In these cases you can opt to do nothing and your module will not be reset. Alternatively you can schedule a rollover and we will remove all the student activity data for you.


I have a custom enrolment rule for my module, do I need to do anything?

No. You will be able to schedule a reset using the Course Rollover block BUT you will not select the module code from a drop-down menu. Your module ID will appear in a text field instead. You would be advised not to modify this code.


What if the module code for the next academic year has changed?

If your school has made the necessary changes to SITS (MySIS) then administrators can edit the code on the rollover page by clicking the ‘Enter Code’ box and entering the correct new code detail. If not then check with your administrators or contact the ITS Helpdesk (helpdesk@qmul.ac.uk or ext 8888).


I’m not teaching this module next year do I need to do anything?

If you are not teaching this module but somebody else may be teaching it please notify your administrators and they will be able to enrol the correct person who can then select their preferred rollover date or setup the rollover date themselves.


If this module is not being taught at all next year what is the best approach to take?

We suggest you reset the module but leave the module code as it is.  These dormant modules would be best stored in an archive category within your School’s QMplus area.


Who will change the teaching staff on the module?

By default we will retain teaching and admin staff on modules when we reset them. Course administrators and teachers can add and remove teaching staff.


Will a backup be taken of my Groups and Portfolios area?

We are not currently providing an archive of the QMplus Hub area (Mahara).  In addition we will not be resetting this area of QMplus – so any data you or your students have put into the Groups and Portfolios area will be maintained. It is also possible for users to export their portfolios to a hard drive if they wish to.


Please note: We are still improving the rollover process and expect that there may be some teething issues along the way which may not have been foreseen. Please contact us if you have any requirements not covered by this document.