QMplus enrolment methods

If you are an administrator, course administrator or teacher on a QMplus course area, you can enrol others onto your course area yourself. The user(s) you would like to enrol must already have a QMUL ITS account that has been added to QMplus.

Remember, students normally get automatic access to their QMplus course once they have completed their registration in SITS. The instructions below are typically ways to enrol staff, not students.

There are several ways to give people access to a QMplus course.

Manually enrol individual accounts onto a specific QMplus course

  1. Go to the Participants section (from Course navigation at the top of the QMplus course page)
  2. Click the 'Enrol users' button at the top right or bottom right of the page.
  3. *Browse or search for the user within the dropdown menu next to 'Select users' (note that when searching for users, exact matches are listed first). Click the downward triangle to browser for users, or begin typing in the box to search for users.
  4. Click the user to select them. The user will appear above the dropdown menu, indicating that the user is enrolled.
  5. Use the 'Assign roles' dropdown if you wish to change the role (typically you will be enrolling a teacher or a viewer). 
  6. Click 'Show more' to expand the enrolment options and set them as appropriate. These include the enrolment duration.
  7. When you have finished, click the 'Enrol selected users and cohorts' button.

*Note, by default, Moodle shows up to 100 participants in the list. If you have more than 100 users, it can be difficult to enrol multiple users quickly.

The user will then appear in the list of enrolled users.

More information: Manual enrolment (Moodle Doc)

Bulk enrol a large number of accounts onto a QMplus course

Only users who have administrative access to QMplus can bulk enrol users onto a QMplus course. Teachers can manually enrol several users at once, but administrators can bulk enrol via a spreadsheet.

Bulk enrolments allows you to enrol students and add them to groups in a Moodle course using an excel file containing the students' email address or userid. Before you start, you will require an excel file containing a complete list of the students' email address or userids in the first column. Subsequent columns contain the names of any groups you want to add each student to.

Step 1 - Create your CSV

In order to upload your students successfully, you will need to create a CSV file with the students details. CSVs are simple to create - one way is in a spreadsheet package, making sure to save it as a .csv file type. At minimum, your CSV file should contain one column for the main student identifier, usually their email address but it can also be their userid, or student ID number. 

Ensure you have column labels - this is because QMplus anticipates these and so ignores the first row of CSV file. In other words, don't put any actual student data in your file's top row. If you are using email then put 'email', if you are using user IDs then put 'userid'. If you want to enrol the students into Groups, include a second column which gives the group name for each student. Be careful to type these exactly. Give it a column heading 'group'. You can add subsequent groups in subsequent columns.

sample image of the columns in the bulk upload spreadsheet

Step 2 - Enrol the Students

  1. In the Participants section, under the course navigation, click Enrolled Users dropdown list > then select Bulk enrolments.
  2. Select Choose a file and upload your CSV file. 
  3. Make sure Role to assign is left as student
  4. Set First column contains to reflect they type of data you have used in your spreadsheet, either the students' email address, userid or ID number.
  5. If you need to create groups, ensure Create group(s) if needed is set to Yes. 
  6. If you would like to create groupings in your course, based on the groups that the students will been placed into, ensure Create grouping(s) if needed is kept to yes. If you do not want to create groupings, set this to No. 
  7. To receive an email report confirming which students have been enrolled and which groups they have been placed into, keep Send me a mail report set to Yes
  8. Click Enrol them to my course
  9. Check the students have been enrolled in their groups by going to the Settings menu and under Course Administration click on Users then Groups
  10. You should see the groups listed, followed by the number of students in each group in brackets.
  11.  You can also bulk unenrol students from your course by clicking on Bulk unenrolments under the same section, and following the instructions above.
More information: Bulk enrolment (Moodle doc)

Allow users to self enrol onto a QMplus course

Self enrolment is the method whereby users can choose to enrol themselves into a course, either immediately by clicking "Enrol me in this course" or by typing in an enrolment key they have been given. 

  1. In your course, click the Participants link from Course navigation
  2. From the dropdown select click Enrolment methods

    showing enrolment methods option in QMplus

  3. Open the "eye" icon next to the Self enrolment method

More information available: Self enrolment (Moodle docs)

Give guest access to a QMplus course

Guests may be allowed to view course contents, but not participate in them if guest access is enabled. 
  1. From Course navigation, click 'Participants', and then from the dropdown, click 'Enrolment method > Guest access'. 
  2. Enable guest access by clicking on the "eye" icon or by choosing it in the 'Add method' dropdown menu.
  3. If you wish to set a password, then click the configure icon and type in your password here.
To find out exactly what guests may and may not do in a course, see the page Guest role (Moodle doc).

Warning! If you allow guest access on your course, anyone will be able to access it without logging in to QMplus. They will also be able to view content via search engines such as Google.

Tip: You can  assign a guest password within the settings, which can then be given to users outside of QMUL to enter before being able to access the course area. It is better to create an affiliate account for those external to QMUL following the instructions below.

Give access to someone who isn't a member of QMUL (Affiliate Accounts)

You may give an individual outside of QMUL access to your QMplus course area by requesting that an affiliate account is made for them through the IT Service Desk.

Please ask the IT Service Desk team to create an affiliate account for QMplus - you will need to supply:
  1. The person’s full name
  2. Their external email address
  3. The length of time that they will need access to QMplus (up to one year)
Once you have done this, follow the steps outlined in this guide above to give them access to your QMplus course.

Enrol several cohorts of students onto one QMplus course (the enrolment mapper)

The QMplus enrolment mapper (QEM) is an internal development designed for QMplus staff to be able to enrol several different cohorts of students onto one QMplus course area.
By default, students who enrol on a particular SITS module code will normally get access to the corresponding course area on QMplus. For example, students who enrol on BUS101 for term A in SITS will be enrolled on the matching course area in QMplus. 

However, there are times when students can also be given access to other course areas on QMplus, even if they are not enrolled on that course in SITS, or a whole programme of students can be given access to one module area. This is set up by request, via the Helpdesk or someone within your department who has Administrator access, and is done via the QMplus enrolment mapper - QEM.

Teaching staff can see which students are being enrolled onto their course areas via the enrolment mapper by adding the QMplus Course Mappings Block.

Useful resources