GEP Medicine in Society Handbook 2019/20

3. Themed Days - Primary Care

3.9. Diabetes

In preparation students should:

  • Read the recommended reading from their reading list.  The Diabetes UK website is a good starting point for information about diabetes and its treatment.  There are resources for patients and health care professionals so whatever you're level of prior knowledge you should be able to find some useful information.
  • For a patient perspectives on living with diabetes please see the HealthTalk Online resource - the diabetes area is introduced by Anthony Worral Thompson.
  • Revised/researched the causes and treatments of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.  Please cover this at a basic level the Diabetes UK website will have adequate information.


To introduce students to the pathophysiology, and the individual and public heath impact of diabetes.


By the end of the day students should be able to:

  • Describe the incidence and prevalence of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and the impact of diabetes on the general practice workload
  • Discuss some factors that may be contributing to the rise in prevalence of Type 2 diabetes
  • Describe the impact of diabetes on an individual
  • Describe some health promotion interventions to reduce the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes

Suggested Activities

  • Introduction to the monitoring of patients with diabetes at the practice e.g. tutorial with the practice nurse on diabetes registers, identification at patients at risk, diabetes checks, annual reviews, patient education, medication, impact of National Service framework on service delivery.
  • Observe a consultation with a patient with diabetes e.g. sit in with GP, visit a patient at home with district nurse.
  • Interview a patient with diabetes at home or at the practice about the impact of their disease on their life
  • Interview a health care professional involved with the care of the patient they have met.
  • Compare the patient's and professional's views on the management of diabetes and its impact on the patient's life.
  • Debriefing tutorial