Managing information

Site: QMplus - The Online Learning Environment of Queen Mary University of London
Module: RDF: Information Literacy Skills for Researchers
Book: Managing information
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Date: Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 10:21 AM


Draft text.

1. How can reference management software help?

How do you keep track of the information sources you find during your literature search?

Perhaps you use a Word document, a spreadsheet, or rely on written notes? 

Reference management software can help researchers organise their work  and save time  when referencing a wide range of information sources.

It is also very helpful if you have to change your referencing style when submitting your work for publication or assessment.

It enables researchers to...

bullet points on what referencing management sftware enable reserachers do

Photo  by Free-Photos, Pixabay

There are many referencing software out there. Some of the more well known ones are Endnote, Mendeley and Zotero. 

The next few pages will provide information on these three software. 

Each of these packages has various advantages; you can access them and set up accounts - experiment and find which one suits your particular requirements.

The Teaching & Learning Support Team are always contactable:  Contact the T&LS Team  

2. EndNote

Endnote icon

EndNote is available in both desktop and online versions.

Endnote Desktop can be freely installed on Queen Mary devices for all our staff and researchers. You just need to contact IT Services

You can purchase the software for your personal PC or laptop from the Clarivate Analytics website

The website also has an extensive Support section for help on how to use the software.   

If you would like to attend introductory Endnote sessions run by the Faculty Liaison Librarians, simply check and and book  the next available session from the CPD website 

EndNote Online is freely available to everyone to use. Once you have an online account, you can use it anywhere in the world with WiFi. 

The library's Faculty Liaison Librarian has put together an Endnote Online  Guide which shows you how to sign up and use the software in bite size videos. 

If you want to know more about using Endnote, you can  Contact the T&LS Team  

3. Mendeley

Mendeley is another freely available reference manager; it also functions as an academic social networking site which offers you the chance to collaborate online with other researchers and find out all about the latest research in your field.

To access the Mendeley Guide with videos and tutorials, please use the following link:

 To create your account in Mendeley, click on the image below.

Mendeley Logo

Need help or advice about Mendeley?  Contact the T&LS Team 

4. Zotero

Zotero is a powerful research tool that is easy to use. It helps you gather, organise and analyse your source materials, and then share the results of your research. With Zotero you can collect PDFs, images, audio and video files, screenshots of webpages and so on.

  • Find a Quick Start Guide to Zotero  here 
  • Click on the Zotero Logo below to  create your account.

image of Zotero Logo