AS book

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Postgraduate Taught Student Handbook 201 2 - 13

This handbook is for all postgraduate
students on the following
MSc International Business (N1Q8)
MSc International Financi
al Management (N1Q6)
MSc International Human Resource Management and Employment Relations
MSc Management and Organisational Innovation (N1Q1)
MSc Marketing
Joint Program
MSc Accounting and Finance
delivered with
Economics and Finance
nternational Business and Politics
ointly delivered with
of Politics and International Relations, SPIR
How to use this handbook
This handbook provides information specific to the School of Busines
s and
Management. This handbook should be used together with the Academic
Regulations and the Student Guide. The Student Guide provides information
common to all students at the University. The Academic Regulations provide detailed
information on award and
study requirements and take precedence over the
information contained in this handbook.
A copy of the Student Guide is available online at:
The Aca
demic Regulations are available online at
The Student Handbook is available online at:
Other formats available
This handbook is available in large print upon request. If you would like a large print
copy please contact the School’s Student Support Reception, FB4.22.
The information in this handbook
is correct at the time of September 2012. In the
unlikely event of substantial amendments to the material, the School of Business and
Management will inform you of changes.
Queen Mary, University of London cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy o
reliability of information given in third party publications or websites referred to in this handbook

Health and Safety

Health and Safety
You should familiarise yourself with emergency procedures for all areas where you
study, noting the location of
emergency exits, assembly points and equipment. In
case of a fire, immediately leave the building by the nearest exit point. Do not use the
lifts. Fire action notices are displayed in corridors and by fire escapes. In an
emergency, dial 3333 from any inter
nal phone and clearly state the nature and
location of the problem, your name, and the number you are calling from (if known). If
there is no internal phone available, call 999 and follow the normal procedure. You
should ensure that corridors and doorways
are not obstructed and that fire fighting
equipment is not removed from its station.
Further information on health and safety
procedures is available at
First Aid
First Aid assistance for minor accidents can be obtained by dialling 3333 from an
internal phone, or 020 7882 3333 from any other telephone.
Medical Registra
As a student of the University, you are required to be registered with a local medical
practitioner. You will have received details of how to register in the information pack
sent out by the University. Please ensure that you register as quickly as po
The University has a Medical Centre, located on the ground floor of the Geography
Building, which can offer immediate help. A doctor is in attendance at certain times
for consultation, and a nurse staffs the Centre during opening hours. The Senio
Nursing Officer will treat minor ailments and provide immediate medical assistance if
an accident occurs on site. Further information is available at:
se of ID card
You will receive a University photo
ID card upon enrolment. This card is very
important, and must be worn at all times on campus. If you do not produce this card
upon request and satisfy staff that it is your card through comparison of your f
and the photograph, you may be requested to leave the building, or campus.
The card shows your Student Number. You must take your card into all
examinations, and display it on your table for inspection.
The card also serves as your library card, and
as an access device for certain
buildings. Many buildings have security points at which you must show your card,
and others require you to scan your card to release the doors. The card will also be
used to register attendance at seminars. It is vital that
you keep your card safe and
with you at all times on campus. If you lose your card, or if your card is stolen, you
should contact Student Administration (Queens’ Building, Room CB05), who will be
able to help you. A fee may be charged to replace lost card