Institutional Tools for Research Publications

Site: QMplus - The Online Learning Environment of Queen Mary University of London
Module: RDF: Principles of Open Access and Open Access Publishing
Book: Institutional Tools for Research Publications
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Date: Sunday, 13 October 2024, 4:23 AM


Institutional Tools for Research Publications

1. Introduction to Institutional Tools for Research Publications

This section covers institutional tools that support researchers in making their research output Open Access.  The method of delivery is by text and the practical usage of linked tools.

On completion of this section, you will be able to identify QM tools that support Open Access publishing.

Thinking points

  • Have you ever made something that you authored available online?
  • If you had, what tools/technology did you use to make your publication available?
  • Did you set copyright and licensing information for your work?

2. Queen Mary Publications List - PubLists

PubLists ( is a publications database which collects and provides data about scholarly publications by Queen Mary researchers.  The database provides a single interface for research staff to input information about their scholarly publishing, upload full content into the repository, and maintain up-to-date publications lists on the Research Publications website.  PubLists also provides research managers and administrators data about the scholarly output of individuals, groups, and Schools.

Every QM researcher, who is a member of staff, should have a profile in PubLists.  Student researchers, who are not members of staff, do not have profiles in PubLists.  When you publish a paper, PubLists crawls citation databases and grabs the bibliographic data of the paper, then files it under your profile in the system.  From there, you can upload your paper to the institutional repository, QMRO, to make it Open Access after setting a licence and embargo period (if applicable).

If you are a staff researcher, log in below using your IMAP login to check your profile and to see whether your publications are listed under your profile if you have any published work.  You also have the option of manually adding your publications to the system if they are not there.

3. Queen Mary Research Online - QMRO

QMRO ( is an open access institutional repository of research output, containing full content text, images, and audio files pertaining to research undertaken at Queen Mary, University of London.  QMRO also holds the eThesis collection, in particular the electronic copies of theses awarded from 2009-, and also digitised theses provided to the College as part of the British Library ETHoS (Electronic Theses Online Service) programme.

QMRO does not require any login; it is an Open Access repository.  Research staff can upload their published papers to QMRO via PubLists and can set licences and embargo periods in PubLists before uploading their work to QMRO.  Research students' theses get uploaded automatically to QMRO, but there is an option to embargo a thesis for a certain period.

Use the search box below or browse communities, collections, authors, or subjects to check theses by student researchers and publications by staff researchers in QMRO.

4. Research Publications

Research Publications ( is a public portal that provides access to publications lists for each individual staff researcher.  Where available, links are provided to both the published version of the item via DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and also to any versions held in QMRO, making it easier for visitors to the College website to gain access to information about our researchers and their scholarly output.

Visitors to the site can either browse by author or use the search box to find publications by QM staff researchers.

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