Topic 2: Defining Health Systems

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Module: International Health
Book: Topic 2: Defining Health Systems
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Module: Health systems, economics and policy

Topic 2

Topic 2: Defining Health Systems


Objectives/learning outcomes


Students will be able to:

  • recognise and understand international norms for health system functions and development;
  • recognise and understand distinctions between universal access, universal coverage and sustainable health systems;
  • analyse economic and public health approaches to health systems.

Seminar: Health system strengthening


Read the overview of the World Health Report 2000 and in 300 words for class discussion contrast this WHO analysis of health system shortcomings with the Alma Ata Declaration of 1978.


Lecture: Defining health systems

All governments accept some responsibility for the allocation of health care throughout society and most countries have signed up to international charters proclaiming a universal right to health. However, there are different interpretations of health system goals and different health care systems produce different allocations. In this lecture we examine recent developments in approaches to achieving universal health systems and consider their relationship with definitions of ‘health systems’. We will review the beginnings of international efforts to improve access to health care and public health in the Alma Ata Declaration and the ‘health for all’ initiative of the WHO, examine the contemporary focus on “health system strengthening” and its context of international donor aid, and critically examine the “health and wealth” thesis. We begin with some basic health system concepts.

Lecture notes and powerpoints

Set reading


Figueras and McKee (2011), chapter 1, ‘Health systems, health, wealth and societal well-being: an introduction’. (Read it here)

G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit Follow-Up (2009) Global Action for Health, System Strengthening, Policy Recommendations to the G8, pp9-25.(

World Health Report 2000, Overview, ppxi-xix. (

Alma Ata Declaration,