Week 8

Site: QMplus - The Online Learning Environment of Queen Mary University of London
Module: International Health
Book: Week 8
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Date: Friday, 27 September 2024, 4:47 AM



Table of contents

Module: Health Inequalities and the Social Determinants of Health

Topic 8: Tax and Health

Lectures: Tax and Health 

This lecture will focus on the policy lever of tax as a ‘policy tracer’ issue to illustrate a number of concepts introduced earlier. The lecture will describe the “five Rs” of tax: Revenue generation (to pay for health, schools, roads and other public investments, including good regulation and administration); Redistribution; Re-pricing (to incentivise incentivising certain behaviours through price signals); Representation; and Regulation (of banks and illicit economies); and students will be introduced to some of the evidence that relates ‘tax’ to health. Historical trends in the use of tax as a public policy will be described; and the use of tax as a public health instrument will be described.


This seminar will be based on the content of Chapters 14 – 17 from the CSDH report. Structured guidance for the seminar will be disseminated during the term.

Set Readings

  • Hawkes C, Friel S, Lobstein T, Lang T. 2012. Linking agricultural policies with obesity and non-communicable diseases: A new perspective for a globalising world. Food Policy, 37: 343-353 (read it here)
  • Stuckler D, McKee M, Ebrahim S, Basu S. 2012. Manufacturing Epidemics: The Role of Global Producers in Increased Consumption of Unhealthy Commodities Including Processed Foods, Alcohol, and Tobacco. PLoS Med 9(6): e1001235 (read it here)


Lecture notes and powerpoints