Diabetes / blood sugar analysis

Site: QMplus - The Online Learning Environment of Queen Mary University of London
Module: NHS Training
Book: Diabetes / blood sugar analysis
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Date: Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 6:33 AM

1. Diabetes and blood sugar analysis


 diabetes is extremely common in the hospital population, much more so than in dental practice. That is because diabetic patients are prone to illnesses provoking diabetic complications acutely, and also after very many years having long-term complications involving pathology related to atheroma, in the form of vascular disease, kidney disease, disease of the retina, and that of nerves.

It is actually very difficult to remain long-term well with this condition.


 the disease is characterised by relative or complete absence of insulin deficiency.

We have now included a couple of videos from diabetes UK to explain

 you may be asked to perform a blood glucose analysis in either the urgent treatment centre, or  the wards.

 This is how to do it

 how to inject insulin

 you may be asked to do this, or even explain to someone how to do it. It should only be administered under direct supervision of the doctor or nurse looking after the case with you.