SMS MSc Student Handbook 2018/19

10. Students' Union Societies

Queen Mary Students' Union supports a wide variety of societies. The Students' Union web pages also list details about how to set up your own society if none of the existing groups fit your interests.

Maths Society


We have a hugely popular and successful society which recently won awards including Academic Society of the Year. The society consists of students who are enthusiastic about mathematics and want to share their passion with the rest of Queen Mary. The society's main role is to organise social events to get everyone in the School of Mathematical Sciences together. Non-maths students are of course welcome as this will help promote the subject and the whole society in Queen Mary.  Their stated aim:

We hope to make the society as successful as possible and make members feel proud of being part of the society. We will make the best use of students' membership fees and try to include as many members as possible in our decision making.

You can find more information about the Maths Society at or check out their Facebook Group at

The following societies may be of particular interest to students on joint programmes.

Economics Society


This society allows students interested in economics to meet up in an informal way to discuss business-related issues as well as forming friendships through debates, dinners out in the City and other social events.

Business Society


This society aims to provide a support network to its members with information and advice, as well as providing a forum for members to share their ideas and opinions about anything related to business. Queen Mary Business Society believes in engaging students in enterprising student activities such as workshops, presentations, skills development sessions and much more to improve students' future prospects. This society understands the high value of commercial awareness and intends to provide students with opportunities to gain a further insight into the business world.

Students in front of the Queens' Building