MSc Student Handbook 2016/17

20. School of Maths and Library Facilities

School of Maths Facilities

SMS provides a shared PGT PC Lab (room W307 on the third floor of the Queen's Building) for MSc and MSci students, with computer facilities for project work, writing dissertations, online research and online access to the library catalogue, e- journals and e-books. There are also laser printers. Please note that this is a ‘quiet’ room for individual study / PC Labs, and is not a social space, so students are asked to respect this at all times.

Fair Usage of the Maths PGT Pc Lab (W307)

Use of W307 is limited only to MSc and MSci students in the School of Maths.  No other students or guests are permitted into this room.  No food, drink, alcohol or prohibited items may be taken into this room and no disturbance may be caused to other students.  Any student found in breach of this fair use policy will be subject to a disciplinary procedure which may lead to withdrawal of rights and even expulsion from the course / college.

Print Usage in W307

PGT students have a greater requirement to print materials for their individual modules and for their project modules, therefore each PGT student may print up £25 per semester (total of £75 per year per student). Please note that printing that exceeds this limit will be charged to you at the following costs:  A4 - 3p black and white, 12p colour / A3 - 6p black and white, 24p colour. Printing will be monitored and should be used for your own study only.

Facilities available to students on the the MSc in Mathematical Finance

Students studying upon the Mathematical Finance programme are encouraged to make use of the facilities provided by the School of Economics and Finance (SEF). SEF have specialist software available to aid your studies, such as Datastream, which provides current financial as well as time series data, as well as standard econometrics software  including Eviews, PCGive, Microfit and Matlab. SEF also provide  full  subscription access to a wide variety of financial databases such as: Datastream, CRSP and Bankscope and have access to 12 dedicated Bloomberg terminals. If you wish to  use  the  software  or terminals you can do so in the SEF offices in the Graduate Centre. Members of the SEF IT Team are available to help you if you encounter any problems whilst accessing the software or terminals.

Facilities available to students on the the MScs in Financial Computing and Network Science

Students studying upon the Financial Computing and Network Science programmes are encouraged to make use of the facilities provided by the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). EECS have three main areas for student computing:

-  The Informatics Teaching Laboratory (ITL)

-  MSc Lab (ground floor Engineering building G52)

-  Computers in the Electronics Laboratory (second floor Engineering building) that are mainly for hardware associated laboratory work.

An Introduction to the School Laboratories can be found at

Library Facilities

As a Queen Mary student you will have access to our campus library services, for information regarding the library, its opening hours and your membership please visit:


The Library offer specialist subject support for Mathematical Sciences students, to see the resources available to you, please see here.  The Faculty Library Liason Officer is Mr. James Soderman, available by email: or telephone: +44 20 7882 7299.


You are also entitled to join the University of London Library at Senate House, Malet St., WC1, and to borrow its books. Lending rights at ULL (Senate House, Malet Street) are available on production of a Queen Mary ID card.