MSc Student Handbook 2016/17

13. Module Selection and Registration

You can find the module options for your programme on the School of Maths webpages.

The MSc Maths module options are found here -

The MSc Network Science module options are found here -

The MSc Mathematical Finance module options are found here -

The MSc Financial Computing module options are found here -

To register for your modules you will log-in to MySIS (your personal area of SIS where you pre-enrol and the portal to your student record) with your Queen Mary  IT log-in, and make preliminary choices from a list using the descriptions to tell you what the modules are about. Any core or compulsory modules will be pre-selected and you cannot change these.

Once you are happy with your choices, you will send them to the School for approval by your academic adviser.

You can send comments to them with the selection if you wish. All of your selections must be confirmed and approved by the specified deadline. The final outcome of your choices will be confirmed to you by email. Module registration has to be completed by the specified deadline (normally mid-October / within the first two weeks of teaching). Please note, new students register for modules in September whereas continuing students will register for modules in May (before they return to university in the September).

Some modules have a limited number of places, and priority is given to students who are required to take them for their programmes. Therefore, it is important that you choose your electives and complete module registration as soon as possible.

During  the  first  two  weeks  of  each semester, students on certain programmes of study  are able to modify their choice of modules by undoing their choices in MySIS. You can find out how to change your modules on the Student Enquiry Centre website.

What if I have Failed Modules?

You may attempt each examination at most twice but you cannot resit any examination you have already passed. Once you have passed enough credits you will normally graduate, after which you cannot resit any modules.

The following regulations normally apply to resit examinations:

  • You must resit each examination at the first opportunity.
  • We currently allow you two attempts at any one module, including one resit.
  • When there is a significant change in either style or content of the examination paper from one year to the next, resit candidates will be set a special resit paper that is comparable to the original one; they cannot take the current year's paper.
  • You must make any request to waive any of these regulations by writing to the examination board chair by
    • 18 January for examinations the following May, or
    • 13 July for examinations the following August.