MSc Student Handbook 2016/17

14. Time Management and QMplus

Time Management

Ideally, you should make up your own study timetable, including lectures, and specify when you are going to read the lecture notes and do the exercises each week. Studying at university is a full-time job; the standard expectation of time spent by students studying for a taught degree is 1200 hours per year. That is equivalent to 150 hours for each 15-credit module. In addition, the MSc dissertation / project is worth 60 credits [the equivalent of 4 x 15 credit modules] and requires considerable investment of time, from semester 2, until submission at the start of September.


For some of your modules your tutor may choose to give you information regarding teaching, assessment and learning materials via the Queen Mary virtual learning environment QMplus (sometimes referred to as 'QM+'). If your tutor is using QMplus they will inform you of this. Please note that the log in details needed for your QMplus account are the same as for your MySIS account, for further information please see: