Finding Information

2. - So if I can't just use Google and Wikipedia, where can I find the right sort of information?

2.5. Search tips for databases

Databases can provide you with relevant and highly accountable resources for your research.

To find the right information that is specific to your needs -  it helps to become familiar with the underlying logic of  databases. Small words can make a big difference when searching a database.

Check out The Language of Databases or click on the image below to access a summary of tips. 

Image of the file Language of Databases

Or why not watch the short video below which tells you all about the small but important words that are called Boolean Operators. It explains how to use them in your searches to get the best results:

What if you end up with too few or too many results?

The video below shows you some simple but effective techniques that can help you broaden your search if you find that you are getting too few results, or narrow your search if you have too many results:

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