Topic 1: Introduction to the Module and Assignment

Module: Epidemiology and Statistics

Week 1: Introduction to the Module and Assignment

Assignment Instructions and Mark Scheme


Write a 2000 word report critically appraising a media article and its associated research paper.


Choose from one of the following topics

  1. Factors associated with health inequality 
  2. Important risk factors for morbidity and mortality of populations
  3. New interventions for treatment and prevention of  diseases which play a major part in the burden of disease worldwide
  4. Organisation of primary care
  5. A different topic if discussed and agreed with the module leader


For the topic find an article in the media (newspaper, news website),  or health based website, and a research paper that the media article relates to (the paper should contain at least one table or graph).


In your report

a)   Summarise the message of the media article

b)   Summarise the data sources, methods used

c)    Summarise  the results of the research paper, including a detailed interpretation of any tables and/or figures and explanation of key statistics presented

d)   Critically appraise the research paper

e)   Critically appraise the presentation of statistics and epidemiology in the media article

f)     Suggest a new study that could be undertaken to progress the research area.


The pass mark is 50% ; if you are aiming for a distinction (70%), you should think carefully about the critical analysis of the report and the explanation of the epidemiology and statistical terms.