Frequently Asked Questions

3. Problems with Participating

Q. What should I do if I realise I’m not able to participate for a while?

A. Your registration with the ILM is valid for three years so it is usually possible to suspend your participation in the event of circumstances making it difficult to participate for a while. Just:

  • email to let us know that you need to do this,
  • be sure to cancel any courses you have booked a place to attend but can no longer make
  • If you wish to cancel your subscription to receive these updates via the ILM mailing list, just visit the mailing list and select Subscribe or Unsubscribe in the grey panel to the left of the page.

When you are ready to restart, email to let us know that this is the case and perhaps attend a drop-in session to discuss how to move on with your studies.

Q. I’ve seen a course I want to do but I can’t make that date. Will there be another one this year?

A. Unfortunately our budget really only stretches to planning one instance of each course during each academic year but if you email, we can add you to our expression of interest list and let you know if we are unexpectedly able to offer an opportunity to attend them before that, e.g. if another course is unpopular and gets cancelled, we might be able to offer something in its place.