EECS Student Handbook 2024/25

4. School/Institute Procedures

4.1. In-course assessment (submission)

How to submit coursework  -QMPlus

Most of EECS submissions will be via QMPlus module pages and you should follow the module organisers instructions.

Pay close attention to the instructions given.  Check the file format requested, any word length required, file sizes, if group submission or individual submission is required.

Where the submission permits a draft submission uploaded prior to final submission you must make sure you formally submit . The submission may include  a submit button for the final submission to be formally accepted. If you do not formally submit and the file shows as Draft (not submitted) the assessment may not be marked by the module organiser, zero fail will be obtained.  

QMPlus group submissions.

You may be required to join a group prior to submission, it is your responsibility to ensure you are in the correct group prior to submission. Not joining a group may result in not receiving marks for an assessment.  It is good practice to ensure all group members names are listed on a group submission unless you are specifically asked to not include names.

If you have issues with group members contribution you should inform the module organiser or demonstrators.