EECS Student Handbook 2024/25

3. School/Institute information

3.6. Safety/Emergencies

You should familiarise yourself with emergency procedures for all areas in which you work, noting the location of emergency exits, assembly points and equipment. On hearing a fire alarm in a QM building, you should immediately leave through the nearest emergency exit, unless redirected by a Fire Marshal. Do not go to any other part of the building for any reason. Proceed to the designated emergency assembly area and report to the Fire Marshal. Do not leave the assembly area or re-enter the building until instructed to do so. Failure to follow these procedures may lead to disciplinary action.

Tampering with fire alarms or fire-fighting equipment is a serious offence, and disciplinary action may be taken against any student responsible for this.

In an emergency, dial 3333 from any internal phone and clearly state the nature and location of the problem, your name, and the number you are calling from (if known). If there is no internal phone available, call 999 and follow the normal procedure. You should ensure that corridors and doorways are not obstructed and that fire fighting equipment is not removed from its station.

First aid assistance for minor accidents can be obtained by dialling 3333 from an internal phone, or 020 7882 3333 from any other telephone.