Student Handbook 2023/24 (Cert IP / Cert Trade Mark Law and Practice AND MSc Management of IP)

8. Teaching Delivery

All Courses on the 3 programmes will be delivered face to face and all students must attend in person. However, it may be necessary to make changes to the programme(s) teaching delivery to the online in particular circumstances, including changes which may need to be implemented in response to significant challenges presented by public health risks or unforeseen personal circumstance relating to members of the teaching academic staff.   Please be assured that CCLS will act in the best interests of students and will take all reasonable and proportionate steps to mitigate the impact of such changes on teaching, learning and assessment.


Students will be notified of any material changes in a timely and effective manner and students are also encouraged to regularly check their emails and the QMplus pages for their courses for up to date information which may affect your studies.


All teaching and learning activities within your courses are enhanced and supported by the use of QMplus which provides an interactive platform for the student to engage with their course material and lecturers. Moreover, lectures and tutorial that are delivered in person will be recoded and these recordings will be available in a timely fashion on the QMplus page of the relevant course.  If students have a problem in accessing these recordings, they should report this to Teaching and Learning Services Office and the Module Convenor.


Moreover, Module Convenors and the Programme Director will be available via emails ( as advertised above) and will answer any questions raised by the students about their teaching and assessment  either by email, via online meetings and via face to face meetings if requested, where possible.