Student Handbook 2023/24 (Cert IP / Cert Trade Mark Law and Practice AND MSc Management of IP)

17. Award Postgraduate Taught Programmes

17.4. Examination Boards and Results

Your Results

Subject Examination Boards (SEB)

Once all coursework, examinations and your dissertation has been completed, there will be a Subject Examination Board (SEB) which will consider the provisional results in full. At this time the SEB will also consider any recommendations made by the Extenuating Circumstances Sub-­Board and any previous related SEBs.

Department Examination Board (DEB)

The SEB will report its provisional results and recommendations to the Department Examination Board (DEB) who in turn will confirm the official final results. These will be available to both graduating year and continuing students via MySIS shortly after the DEB has taken place (generally at the end of July and at the end of October/beginning of November). In addition, all graduating year students will receive an official transcript of results direct from the Academic Registry by post to the address held on MySIS. Please make sure your address held in MySiS is up-to-date.

The marks are officially confirmed by the Degree Examination Board (DEB)

Note: there can be a slight delay with the issue of transcripts due to the sheer volume being processed at one time.

Any student in debt to the College at this time will not be permitted to receive their results.

On July (see Key Date), the first SEB will meet and consider all results from both examination periods (Semester 1: A23 and Semester 2: B23) and all course essays/FAEs. At this time they will consider recommendations from the first Extenuating Circumstances Board (EC).

The marks are officially confirmed by the Degree Examination Board (DEB) which is held on July (see Key Date).

Official publication of results (see Key Date): This is the date from which the period permitted for appeals, UKBA processes, etc., begins.

Late summer resits and resubmissions of course essays/FAEs will then take place as needed.

In October (see Key Date), the second SEB will meet and consider all results including any Semester 3: C23 modules, resits and your dissertation marks, if applicable. At this time they will consider recommendations from the second EC Board.

The marks and classifications are officially confirmed by the Final Degree Examination Board (DEB) which is held in October and awards are made.

Official publication of results (see Key Date): This is the date from which the period permitted for appeals, UKBA processes, etc., begins).

Formal result notification/degree certificate


You can obtain your official digital transcript of marks via the HEAR system. You will receive an email to your QM email account from Gradintelligence asking you to register with them.

For further details, please review the Registry web page at:

HEARs will be published in March, July and October each year and will provide you with all achievements that have been verified up to that point.