Student Handbook 2023/24 (Cert IP / Cert Trade Mark Law and Practice AND MSc Management of IP)

22. Student Engagement

22.4. What will happen if my student engagement data shows a lack of engagement?

Once a student is identified as in need of support in order to reengage with their studies, they will be invited to a meeting with their Student Support Officer to discuss issues that might be affecting their studies, and for the provision of encouragement/advice (with possible referral to QM support services if necessary). In exceptional circumstances, a senior member of the School team, may be involved in this process.  

Students who do not engage with their studies may be deregistered from their programme as per Academic Regulations. 

The School will always try to help students who are experiencing problems, but we cannot do so if we are not kept informed of them. If there are factors making a student’s engagement with their programme difficult, it is essential that the student raise any issues with an appropriate person in the School, at an early stage. This will give us the opportunity to intervene and provide the necessary support.