Student Handbook 2023/24 (Cert IP / Cert Trade Mark Law and Practice AND MSc Management of IP)
22. Student Engagement
22.2. Markers of Student Engagement
For the timely and effective administration of support, the School will use the following markers of student engagement. This is to ensure that students are well supported and given every opportunity to progress with their studies and to achieve to their fullest potential whilst here.
Lecture attendance: It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are actively engaging with their programme. Students are expected to attend all timetabled teaching including lectures, tutorials and in-class assessments associated with the modules they are registered on.(See absence notification section for more details on how this information is captured and the schools absence policy). Other markers of student engagement are:
Access to module QMplus pages
Assessment Submission
Attendance in timetabled teaching
Dissertation Supervisory Meetings where applicable
Action Following Identification of student who may require support