Student Handbook 2023/24 (Cert IP / Cert Trade Mark Law and Practice AND MSc Management of IP)

10. Assessment

10.3. Notification of Exam Dates

Exams are fully governed by QM Exams Office. The majority of examinations in CCLS are in an online format this year, however some will take place on campus.

Exams can be in the morning or afternoon and you will have only one exam per 24 hours. 

Please bear in mind that all times are UK times. They can be spread over the entire University examination period.  Please see Key Date section for examination period dates.

You will be informed of the individual module exam dates, as set by the University. Your exam timetable will be published in MySiS portal. Further information is available on the following website:

  • November for Teaching Period A23
  • March for Teaching Period B23
  • June for Teaching Period C23

The University exam timetable will also be available at:

Please note that exam dates cannot be changed for any reason. You are expected to be available for the full duration of each assessment period.  

The PG Law Office do not have prior notification of dates and cannot help with individual questions in this regard. Therefore, you have a requirement to submit your exam on the date allocated.

However, extenuating circumstances may apply for non-submission – please refer to extenuating circumstances guidance for students for further information if appropriate.