Student Handbook 2023/24 (Cert IP / Cert Trade Mark Law and Practice AND MSc Management of IP)

10. Assessment

10.2. Submission of Assessments (Course essay/FAE/Online Exam/Dissertation)

Saving your work

Students are highly recommended to save all their course work to QMUL One Drive.  Please click here on how to access One Drive Guide

Electronic Submission via QMplus Noticeboard (Turnitin)

Final Assessment Exercise, Essay or Dissertation

Students should submit their to the relevant QMplus page on the specified dates no later 10:00am (UK time).

Online examination 

Students should submit their to the relevant QMplus page no later than the specified date or time (UK time) on the page.

When you submit your essay/FAE/online examination or dissertation via QMplus it will automatically be submitted to the plagiarism software service 'Turnitin'.

Please see the Turnitin section for an overview of how the QMplus/Turnitin process works.

If having certain problems with meeting submission deadlines. Please refer to extenuating circumstances for further information if appropriate.

Draft Submission

To help screen course essays, FAEs or dissertations for possible plagiarism, students may submit a draft version via the draft submission link which is located on each QMplus page. This will allow students to receive a Turnitin similarity score and report that may show inadequately referenced or paraphrased text. 

If you submit your work to the draft submission point this will not have an impact on your final submission to the relevant QMplus page.  The draft submission is not submitted into the Turnitin student database repository. Please note that a similarity report can take time to generate depending on the time of year, so it not advisable to rely on receiving a report within a 24hr period.

Students may submit to the draft submission point as many times as they wish until they are satisfied that the similarity score is as low as possible.

It is not advisable to submit your work to any other form of online checking service.

Please note: any submissions made on a Draft Submission point are NOT linked to a module and you must submit your final copy on the module page. Draft submissions are NOT treated as final submissions. Any work which is uploaded to the draft submissions area but not submitted to the final submission portal will be counted as a non-submission and will NOT be marked. It is the students responsibility to submit their work to the correct submission point

Final Submission

A specific submission point will be added to the relevant QMplus page prior to the deadline date. Your final submission will be submitted into the Turnitin student database repository. 

You can make unlimited submission to the Final submission point until the deadline date/time.

It is strongly recommended that you submit your work at least 30 minutes before the final deadline to ensure safe receipt.  This will avoid last minute technical issues which may affect your submission.

An essay or dissertation a submission after the deadline date/time will be accepted.  However, a late penalty will be applied.  Please see Student Handbook, Section: Late Submission policy.