Student Handbook 2023/24 (Cert IP / Cert Trade Mark Law and Practice AND MSc Management of IP)

10. Assessment

10.1. Module Assessment Types

Each module has its own distinct method of assessment.

Mode of Assessments

Modules are examined by:

  • online examination
  • course essay
  • Multiple Choice Quiz (MCQ)
  • combination of above and other presentation and in-class elements

Please see the Programme Structure and Overview Appendix II, for specific module and assessment overview. 

Please click here to the full Academic Regulations on the following link: Academic Regulations 2023-24

Online exams

Modules assessed by an online examination are assessed by a set of questions that cover
topics taught during the module.

Course Essays

  • Some modules are assessed in full or in part, by course essays.
  • Course essays are always linked to specific taught modules so you will be attending lectures.
  • One of the academics teaching the module will automatically oversee your course essay(s).
  • Late submission with penalty may be accepted. Please refer to late penalty section

Multiple Choice Quiz

  • assessed by a set of questions that cover topics taught during the module.
  • duration is 2hrs, but students are given a 24-hour window to start the MCQ.
  • once you start the MCQ, you cannot pause, and your 2-hour window has begun.
  • No late submission permitted

Class presentations/Oral assessment

Some modules have a class presentation/oral element of assessment. If applicable, this will be fully explained and managed within your class.

Dates assigned for oral presentations are treated as Examination dates – therefore students are expected to attend in person or online on the given date.

Extenuating circumstances may apply for non-attendance – please refer to section for Extenuating Circumstances for further information if appropriate.