General Practice 2 Handbook 2023/24


5.4. Feedback

Engaging with the feedback process is a key part of students’ learning and professional development. This involves learning about both the giving and receiving of constructive feedback and understanding how these feedback processes can support their own, peers and their tutors’, professional development as well as guiding the ongoing development of the placement. 

Students and GP tutors/facilitators will be asked to provide feedback about their TBL and central teaching experience via online forms. 

Feedback based on the online sessions: 

  • Students will be asked to submit their feedback about their online experience at the end of the placement. This consists of both individual and group feedback. They will be sent links to these online feedback forms and instructions on how to complete these prior to the final placement days. 
  • Students are encouraged to approach their GP tutor/facilitator and/or the unit convenors if they have any queries or concerns during their GP2 days. 
  • Tutors/facilitators will be asked to submit their feedback about their teaching experience at the end of the placement. They will be sent links to these online feedback forms and instructions on how to complete these. 

Tutor/facilitator feedback based on reflective essay/creative enquiry

  • Tutor/facilitators will be sent online forms for the student assessments as outlined in the assessment information. 

Tutor/facilitator feedback based on student consultation performance

  • Tutors are also required to provide formative feedback to each student to support the develop of their reflective practice and overall professional development. This also serves to model the constructive giving and receiving of feedback to their students. This formative feedback can be delivered verbally and/or in a written format.  
  • The use of informal feedback, to review learning experiences and ensure students’ learning needs and the placements learning outcomes are being met, during the placement is encouraged and can be collected as the placement progresses. For example, using Mentimeter to set up anonymous polls or Q&As at the end of each placement day or using post-it notes on Jamboard (or a real whiteboard if onsite).