General Practice 2 Handbook 2023/24

2. GP2 at a glance

Overview of GP2

GP2 is a campus and online-based placement for all Year 2 students at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry.  

This year, the emphasis will be on the fundamentals of general practice (generalism) which will help you understand the principles of general practice as you progress through medical school and afterwards. 

GP2 will introduce you to the broader context and key components of General Practice as a speciality and give you an understanding of the professional knowledge. 

Mapping of themes 

The themes of GP2 and learning outcomes are mapped to: 


Each student will have 6 days of GP2 with 6 themes (see below).

This teaching will be based half a day at campus and half a day online, facilitated by GP tutors and actor facilitators. 

The 6 themes

There will be 6 themes covered (which is explained in more detail in later chapters). 

  1. Holistic care (biopsychosocial model)
  2. Long term condition
  3. Multi morbidity and complexity 
  4. The social determinants of health 
  5. Preventing disease and promoting health  
  6. Medical Ethics

Team based learning (TBL): campus teaching

Team-Based Learning (TBL) is an instructional strategy designed to enhance collaborative learning and critical thinking skills among students in the medical field. It's particularly valuable in the second year of medical school when students are building on foundational knowledge and preparing for clinical rotations. 

There is further information in 'TBL section'  

Role play: online teaching 

You will be split up into groups of 12-15 with a GP tutor on line using Teams. In these sessions, there will be an opportunity to watch real consultations (using Virtual Primary Care), discussions with the GP tutors and practise role plays with actor facilitators. 

The Dates


1. Attendance: Those students who miss ≥ 2 TBL and/or ≥ 2 role play days will need to remediate. 
2. Reflective Essay: This will be based upon a significant encounter/discussion or role play during the role play sessions or TBL session. 


In order for the GP2 block to be passed successfully, students will need to attend the necessary number of days of GP2 and pass the reflective essay. If this is not accomplished, there will be an opportunity to remediate. The date of this is yet to be confirmed, but will be after the GP2 block is completed. 
There will also be an opportunity to resubmit the essay if the student was unsuccessful. 

Feedback on module

All students are expected to provide feedback on the module (mid point and end of module) as a group. This group will normally be your role play groups (which may be also be similar to your TBL group) and will be in the format of a Microsoft Forms. This feedback is essential in providing essential changes to the teaching by giving the students a voice. Any urgent matters of concern, should be discussed with the module lead (Dr Leila Saeed or Maria Hayfron-Benjamin). 

Need support: 

Student support - see appendix 1 for further information