GEP Medicine in Society Guide 2023/24

4. Placement Checklist

4.2. Tutor Checklist

Before placement starts: 

  1. Find the MedSoc 2023-24 course guide on CBME tutor website please ensure you are using this year’s guide.

  2. Attend MedSoc induction training  in person and/or(online) Thursday 21st September 2023 2-5pm  

On Day 1:
  1. Share student learning agreement with students.  Collect signed student learning agreement (SLA) from students, countersign and return copies to students.  This can be found in the Medicine in Society section on QMPlus.

  2. Agree group ground rules, routes for contact (email, WhatsApp etc) and reporting absences. 

If you have any queries, or difficulty in accessing any specific resources, please contact the module administrator/convenors using the MedSoc Tutor Team or via email.