Medicine in Society Guide 2023/24

7. Assessment

7.2. Health Promotion Poster

Students, in groups of 3, should produce a poster on a health-promotion theme and deliver a 10 minute presentation of the poster on day 9 or 10 to the GP tutor, the other students and any other members of the practice team available. The topic should be decided in consultation with the GP tutor, but should be on a health promotion theme they have observed during their placement. Students should be prepared to answer questions. The GP tutor will give feedback and grade the presentation; each group of 3 students should normally receive the same grade.  Your tutor should discuss your grade with you and suggest areas where you might improve. 


Students need to submit their work on QM+ and email it to their GP tutor on or before the deadline for their group as below. Late submissions may/will incur penalties. 

Poster presentations to be agreed with tutor – suggest day 9 or 10. 

Group AB Submission Deadline: Day 10 15/2/2024 

Group CD Submission Deadline: Day 10 7/3/2024 


Guidance for grading the poster  








Theme explored thoroughly and logically and relevant to the students’ own experiences and the needs of the patient/client groups they have met. Literature referenced. 

Theme is explored in a logical manner with reference to the students’ own experiences. 

Theme is explored in a haphazard manner; reference to the students’ own experience is muddled. No reference to the literature. 


Verbal presentation skills 

Students present their work in a very clear, understandable and interesting fashion. They show great enthusiasm for the subject and engage with their audience fully. 

Students present their work in a clear, understandable and interesting fashion. They show enthusiasm for the subject and are able to engage with their audience. 

Students’ ability to present work clearly is less developed and their interest in their subject is superficial. Their enthusiasm and level of engagement with the audience is limited. 



Poster presentation skills 

Visually very interesting, excellently laid out, contains a balance of different written, pictorial and diagrammatical images and leads to an increased understanding and engagement with the subject under consideration. 

Visually interesting, reasonably laid out, contains a balance of different written, pictorial and diagrammatical images and leads to understanding and engagement with the subject under consideration. 

Not very interesting, is not very well laid out and lacks balance between written, pictorial and diagrammatical images. It does little to enhance understanding and engagement with the subject under consideration. 

Please can tutors upload the marks for this assignment on to the excel spreadsheet sent out at the start of the placement.

This is the same place where weekly attendance is recorded by the tutors.