Student Handbook 2023/24

25. Programme Overview

25.9. Law PG Dip

To qualify for the award of a Postgraduate (PG) Diploma, students must complete 90 credits of taught modules plus submit a 10,000 word dissertation within a two-year period. Students are required to attend 60 credits taught in their first year and then take the final 30 credits and submit their dissertation in their second year. Taught modules for a general Diploma may be selected from any of the wide range of courses offered and the dissertation may be in any area of law.

Students who want their Diploma award to carry a specialisation (e.g. PG Diploma in Tax Law or PG Diploma in Medical Law) must select both their taught modules from within the same subject grouping as those available on the LLM and produce a dissertation within the same area of law. (See the White Book for the full list of available subject Groupings and Modules but note that Group C Comparative and International Dispute Resolution is not available as it has its own specialised Diploma.

All other deadline dates and processes contained in this handbook apply and particular note should be taken of the part time section which runs in a similar way to the part-time Diplomas, with the exception of the total number of credits taken.