Medicine in Society Guide 2022/23 (copy)

1. Medicine in Society

Medicine in Society  is a community-based course for students in years 1 and 2  of  the MBBS curriculum. The global aims of the course are to introduce students to patients and their experience of health and ill-health over the course of their lives and for students to start to develop and explore their professional identity. 


In year 1, students will attend a general practice placement, in groups of 6-8for 12 days on alternate Thursdays throughout the academic year. Each day is themed and has clear learning objectives. The theme relates to the system the students are covering at the time, e.g., day 11 focusing on pregnancy and childbirth is during the human development system teaching. 


Students will be engaged in many different activities over the course of the placement, including engaging with patients, observing and interviewing clinicians and other health and social care professionals, small group tutorials and discussions and self-directed learning tasks.  Students will submit 2 reflective pieces and a health promotion poster for assessment and tutors will also complete a professionalism assessment for each student at the end of the placement.  




Unit Convenors 

Mrs Maria Hayfron-Benjamin 


Dr Shabana Bharmal 


Unit Administrator 

Miss Francesca Langridge