Extending Patient Contact Handbook 2018/19

3. Extending Patient Contact Timetable

3.2. Suggested Lesson plan for EPC session

Sample Lesson plan for EPC day 2 - Ischaemic Heart disease

9.00 – 10.00        Presentation/Review of any preparatory work set by tutor.  Review of students’ knowledge of IHD – tutor filling in gaps, correcting errors.  Discussion/tutor presentation on clinical aspect of IHD.  Terms patients might use, medications they might be on etc.  Discussion/Preparation of interview schedule ahead of meeting with patient

10.00 - 11.00       Interview with patient either at home or in surgery – if in surgery suggest that GP give students some time alone with patient to allow them to develop rapport and to observe for some of the time so feedback can be given.  If appropriate GP to demonstrate an element of the cardiovascular exam particularly if patient has good signs. 

11.00 – 12.00      Debrief on interview, self appraisal on communication skills, feedback for colleague that observed the interview, feedback from GP tutor if possible.  Clarify any questions, discuss any new terms or concepts introduced by the interviews.  Look ahead to next session- any prep students need to do etc.