Extending Patient Contact Handbook 2018/19

5. Student Assessment

5.1. Reflective write up EPC placement

Students must write a 500 word reflective essay on an occasion where they interacted with a patient that resonated with them for some reason, for example it made them think of a patient / medical condition in a new light, or it raised some ethical issues, for example where they were required to gain consent from a patient for a task that they were about to perform. You will mark this assignment.


Students should demonstrate insight into: their exploration of their feelings about the task; what they said and why; how they approached the patient; how the patient responded; evidence of reflection on achieving ‘informed consent’: what could they do to develop their performance?


We suggest the first draft is discussed as a formative exercise as a group on week seven and that student are encouraged to revise their work in the light of the feedback they received from you and their peers. The final submission is for summative assessment at the end of the placement, please consider the students progress in the revision of this document as a key aspect in your mark. Students should be advised to add this to their professional portfolios.