General Practice 2 Malta Handbook 2021/22

7. Appendices


Completed via online form – link sent before Day 3 of Placement.  


Professionalism Attitude and Conduct Assessment 

NOTE: A Professionalism Assessment Form must be completed for all students.  

Guidance for GP Tutors  

Please inform the administrative lead if there are concerns regarding professionalism. 

Feedback should be given to every student about their professionalism during their placement and upon completion of this form. 

1) If you are UNCONCERNED about a student's professionalism, an overall assessment of "Satisfactory" may be given without marking "Satisfactory" on every criterion. 

2) If you are CONCERNED about a student's professionalism, then THREE or more "Cause for concern" or "Unsatisfactory" in any category results in an overall assessment of "Unsatisfactory". 

3) Always indicate and mark an overall "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory" at the bottom of the form. 

4) Overall "Unsatisfactory" students are to be REFERRED to their Academic Year Tutor. 

5) Please give FULL reasons for any "Cause for concern" or "Unsatisfactory" assessments in the comments box below. 

6) The student should make any responses in the comments box below in the online form  

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  • Satisfactory /Cause for Concern/Unsatisfactory/Unable to observe 


  1. Honesty and Integrity SATISFACTORY CRITERIA: Always honest with patients, peers, staff and in professional work (presentations, documentation, communication) * 

  1. Reliability and Responsibility SATISFACTORY CRITERIA: Reliable and conscientious. Punctual. Completes assigned tasks. Accepts responsibility for errors. * 

  1. Respect for Patients SATISFACTORY CRITERIA: Consistently demonstrates respect for patients’ autonomy and dignity. Maintains confidentiality at all times. Always appropriately dressed for clinical setting. * 

  1. Respect for Others SATISFACTORY CRITERIA: Shows respect for patients' relatives, other healthcare team professionals and members of staff. * 

  1. Attendance and Approach to Learning SATISFACTORY CRITERIA: Full attendance, participation at seminars and other learning opportunities. * 

  1. Compassion and Empathy SATISFACTORY CRITERIA: Listens attentively and responds humanely to patients' and relatives' concerns. * 

  1. Communication and Collaboration SATISFACTORY CRITERIA: Works cooperatively and communicates effectively with patients and healthcare team members. * 

  1. Self-Awareness and Knowledge of Limits SATISFACTORY CRITERIARecognises need for guidance and supervision, aware of appropriate professional boundaries. Personal beliefs do not prejudice approach to patients. * 

  1. Altruism and Advocacy SATISFACTORY CRITERIA: Adheres to the best interests of patients. * 

  1. Health SATISFACTORY CRITERIA: Does not allow his/her health or condition to put patients and others at risk. * 

  1. Overall Professional Assessment *             

  •  Satisfactory         

  •  Unsatisfactory  


  1. Please indicate if this assessment has been discussed with the student *          This field is required. 

  •  Yes   / No  


  1. GP TUTOR COMMENTS This field is required. 

  • Comments...(free text) Please give FULL reasons for any "Cause for Concern" or "Unsatisfactory" assessments here, you may also make other comments. Please inform the Head of Year and/or Administrative Lead if there are concerns regarding professionalism. 


Comments... (free text) 


  1. To be signed and dated by both student and tutor