General Practice 2 Malta Handbook 2021/22

7. Appendices


Preparing for GP placements in the time of Covid 2021-22 

Resettling and Risk Reduction Checklist 


  1. WELCOME & WELLBEING - Start by adapting GPs placement to your student(s) 

The last 18 months – in particular the pandemic and events triggering the Black Lives Matter movement - have had a complex, and unique, impacts on us all. For our students this meant a sudden switch to online learning, a reduction in direct patient contact and tutor and peer support. Some have cared for or lost loved ones to COVID-19, others have been ill themselves – all have become more aware of health disparities. These factors coupled with lockdowns have affected their learning experience and wellbeing and, in some cases, has led to demotivation and poorer exam results. Students are so looking forward to restarting GP placements but will need help with hybrid and virtual learning or patient contact. Attendance is expected to be 100% (face to face or online as appropriate), less than 90% will require remediation. 


  • Please set aside early time to talk to each student about their experiences, expectations and needs. 

  • Please also use the opportunity to share your experiences over the past year – to build rapport ad compassion 

  • Support students to SPEAK UP if they experience or observe situations that worry them (please see e-Learning for Health online module for supervisors: LISTEN UP  


  1. RISK REDUCTION – local arrangements 

We have all learned much about reducing COVID 19 transmission and risk of serious illness over the last year. The Medical School has assessed students’ individual risk and introduced a daily rapid Lateral Flow Test before coming to campus. We know each GP practice has developed a local approach based on specific context. 


Please a make your practice’s local risk reduction policy is clear to students before they start their placement  in person detailing: 

  • LFT Testing requirements 

  • PPE & mask wearing 

  • Ventilation and flow arrangements  

  • Adjustments for the very few students with specifics risks 



COVID-19 vaccinations remain voluntary in the UK. The medical school, in line with other institutions, is not compelling students to be vaccinated – but we know the vast majority have had two doses. A very small number may have personal or clinical reasons for not being fully vaccinated. We ask you to accommodate these learners. All students must undertake an online Vaccine Confidence module focusing on individual narratives, and fact verification skills rather than assumed informational deficit. 

  • You can ask students about their vaccination status (we cannot inform you of this)   

  • Accommodate learners who have not completed their vaccination as you would a member of staff – this may mean reducing patient contact 

  • Discuss anxieties and hesitancy without taking a coercive approach  

  • Tell students it is part of their role to support vaccination (regardless of their own status or views 

  • Please Offer Flu Vaccine (if students are with you in person) Students are designated essential workers should be treated as staff 

  • Any concerns or questions - Please contact the CBME Module Lead or Administrator.