General Practice 2 Malta Handbook 2021/22

7. Appendices



Tick when completed 

Before placement starts 


Find the GP2 2021-22 course guide on the CBME tutor website  - please ensure you are using this year’s guide 


Send welcome introductory email to your students to advise them of arrangements for day 1 



Access to Virtual Primary Care (VPC) - you will be sent an email inviting you to register for a VPC account; log in prior to the placement starting and check you can see the GP2 playlists 



Attend GP2 induction training (online) Tuesday 12th October 2-4pm  

If you cannot attend, please review training slides 



Complete e-Learning for Healthcare – Freedom to Speak Up  (You will need to set up an account)  - Malta tutors should be able to access this resource using your QMUL address that you use to access Virtual Primary Care.

We all find it difficult to speak up when we experience something that concerns us. This is especially true for learners. To create safe ‘SPEAKING UP’ culture and help students develop valuable skills the medical school would like all clinical supervisors to complete the short ‘LISTEN UP’ online module 



On Day 1 


Share student learning agreement with students.  

Collect signed student learning agreement (SLA) from students, countersign and return copies to students 


Agree group ground rules, routes for contact (Teams, email, WhatsApp etc) and reporting absences.