General Practice 2 Malta Handbook 2021/22

7. Appendices


Reflection is a key skill for all healthcare professionals and learning how to develop reflective practice is an essential part of medical education. The GMC (General Medical Council), in collaboration with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, the UK Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans (COPMeD), and the Medical Schools Council (MSC), recently published a guide for medical students on how to reflect as part of their practice. 


The key idea of reflective work is to promote self-awareness. It enables students to explore their understanding of themselves as medical professionals and how they relate to patients. It also provides a space where students can consider and challenge their own attitudes and perceptions, including highlighting learning points for themselves and others.  


There are many formats that can be used for reflection, including verbal, written and art. Creative enquiry is an educational approach that invites learners to engage with their lived experience through the arts. Using multiple languages of expression, arts-based and prose reflective writing, has been found to extend reflection and understanding and engage the student voice and perspective. The websites, Human Flourishing and Out of Our Heads, have more information about creative enquiry and lots of examples.