General Practice 2 Malta Handbook 2021/22

6. Ethics and Confidentiality


Please refer to theCBME virtual teaching website, which includes information about confidentiality and consent relating to virtual teaching involving patients; there are links to both GMC and BMA (British Medical Association) guidance as well.  


Please remind all students of the importance of patient confidentiality when they begin their placement with you, this should include outlining your practice procedures to maintain confidentiality and examples of how they might inadvertently breach confidentiality e.g. discussing a patient in a public area within or outside the practice; discussing one patient with another; or including patient identifiable data on notes they have made as a resource for their own learning.

Students will be seeing patients either in the GP surgery or visiting them in their own home. They have been asked to bear in mind the following:

  • Patients have a right to confidentiality; therefore please ensure you do not discuss any personal patient information outside of the practice.
  • Although patients should have been informed prior to the session that medical students will be present, you must respect their wishes if they decline to be interviewed or examined by any student.
  • Treat all patients and staff with courtesy and respect, they are generally going out of their way to provide a valuable learning experience for you.
  • Please ensure that you are neatly attired.
  • Please remember that, even though the tutor may have gained consent from the
  • patient, it is important that you reaffirm that consent personally.