SMS MSc Student Handbook 2021/2022 (Sep 2021 Start)

28. Queen Mary ID Card

You will receive a QMUL photo-identity (ID) card upon enrolment. This card is very important, and must be carried at all times on campus. If you do not produce this card upon request and satisfy staff that it is your card through comparison of your face and the photograph, you may be removed from the building, or from campus. Misuse of your card will normally lead to an investigation under the Code of Student Discipline ( /)

The card shows your student number. You must take your card into all examinations, and display it on your table for inspection. You will also need to copy the student number onto your paper. If your paper is online then you may be required to provide a scan of your card when submitting your paper online.

The card also serves as your library card and as an access card for certain buildings and equipment (such as printers and photocopiers). Many buildings have security points at which you must show your card, and others require you to touch your card on a reader (as with an Oyster card) to release the doors.

You may also be required to present your card to confirm your attendance (e.g. you may need to touch your card on a reader in a lecture theatre or have your card scanned by a handheld scanner).

It is vital that you keep your card safe and with you at all times on campus. If you lose your card, or if your card is stolen, you should contact the Student Enquiry Centre, who will be able to help you. A fee is charged to replace lost ID cards.

If you are not able to collect your student ID card in the first semester of teaching as you are not on campus, do not worry.  Details on how to collect your student ID card at a later date will be made available via the Student Enquiry Centre website.

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