SMS MSc Student Handbook 2021/2022 (Sep 2021 Start)

11. Student Services


The Student Enquiry Centre team provide support to all Postgraduate Taught students and can help with a wide variety of queries. If you are not sure about something or do not know who to contact, we can help.  We are located on the ground floor of the Queens’ Building, CB01. Our contact details are:

Student Enquiry Centre Online (accessed via MySIS -


Telephone: 020 7882 5005.

Follow us on twitter @QMULSEC


The Student Health Service (SHS) is a free National Health Service (NHS) providing a wide range of medical services. Registrations for the SHS can take place online, for all students living in inner London unless for clinical reasons. The SHS on campus is located in the Geography Building, Mile End (number 28 on map). If you cannot register with the SHS for clinical reasons or because you live outside inner London or if more convenient to register with a doctor close to where you live, you can find a list of local doctors through the NHS website. Queen Mary students who are not registered patients may be able to use the service in certain circumstances. Please, visit the Student Health website for further information.

Disability and Dyslexia Service

The university’s Disability and Dyslexia Service (DDS) offers advice, guidance and support for students with disabilities, including specific learning differences like dyslexia and dyspraxia, as well as mental health difficulties, from application through to graduation. The range of support that the DDS is able to provide includes:


•       Support and guidance in applying for the Disabled Student’s Allowance (DSA)

•       Support for international disabled students

•       Liaison with staff in Queen Mary’s Schools regarding ‘reasonable adjustments’

•       Support in ensuring that course materials are fully accessible

•       Diagnostic assessments for students who think that they might have specific learning differences

•       Specialist one-to-one study skills support for students with dyslexia and other specific learning differences

•       Specialist mentoring support for students with mental health difficulties and autism

•       On-site DSA needs assessments

•       Access to non-specialist human support, e.g. note-taking

•       Access to assistive technology

•       Guidance in accessing examination concessions such as additional time



Telephone: 020 7882 2756



an introduction from Residential Services and Support

The team’s main responsibilities are:


Housing Services, based in the Housing Hub, Feilden House, Westfield Way at Mile End, manage halls applications, room allocations, room transfer requests, summer accommodation, residential fees as well as providing a comprehensive alternative housing service.


Residential Services, based at the Residences Reception, France House, Westfield Way at Mile End, look after you once you have moved into Queen Mary Halls and has three key areas you will interact with during your stay.  Residential Services is made up of 3 teams; Residential Operations, Residential Life and Residential Welfare and Support.


If you are a resident in College accommodation you should consult the Residents’ Handbook for comprehensive information on all hall related issues, and contact details for the relevant section of Residential Services:  


Contact Housing Services



Contact Residential Services



Queen Mary University of London Students' Union (QMSU)


Queen Mary Students' Union is a democratic membership organisation that is the voice of all Queen Mary students. The Union ensures that Queen Mary and the wider community are listening to what students want and works to improve students’ experience. The Union is led by students across Queen Mary. Every Queen Mary student is automatically a member of the Union and has a say in how it is run through elections and their representatives. QMSU also offers advice and support to every Queen Mary student.

The Union provides a number of student-run activities, like sports clubs, societies, student media and volunteering, as well as student-led events and services in Mile End and Whitechapel including a sport and fitness centre and several shops and venues.

Faith at QMUL

QMUL welcomes over 25,000 staff and students on its campuses in London and is committed to encouraging religious understanding, freedom of speech and open social interaction. 

QMUL is proud of its diverse multicultural population. With a variety of faiths among staff and students, our facilities are designed to be places where people of all faiths are welcome to use the spaces for contemplation, reflection, meditation and worship.

Please, visit Faith at QMUL for further information, including facilities and services, policies and guidelines and other useful information.


Music is central to cultural provision at Queen Mary. Music at QMUL can help if you are interested in applying for music scholarships, joining an ensemble, taking up tuition or simply attending one of the many musical events organised by Dr Paul Edlin, Director of Music. Please, visit Music at QMUL for further information.


There is a range of volunteering opportunities available to Queen Mary students through Provide Volunteering, a scheme that offers students the chance to get involved in the local community, with charities and organisations in Tower Hamlets and across London. Provide Volunteering gives students the opportunity to make a difference, develop valuable skills and get involved in their local area. Full information is available at Queen Mary Students' Union Volunteering.

Students in the Maths Building