SMS MSc Student Handbook 2020/2021 (Sep 2020 Start)

19. Degree Classification and Borderline Policy

degree classification

The College Mark is the weighted average of the marks you receive in your modules and in the dissertation.  The classification of your MSc degree depends on your College Mark as detailed below, per the Academic Regulations 2020-21.

College Mark




60.0 or higher


50.0 or higher


For more information on eligibility for awards, academic requirements for awards, and classification of awards, please see the Academic Regulations 2020-21.  Please read the QMUL Code of Practice for Assessment and Feedback:

Borderline Policy

Examination boards may use a borderline policy when making recommendations for degree classifications. The following criteria are used, according to the Assessment Handbook 2020-21.

The borderline policy has been adjusted for this academic year according to Queen Mary’s Covid Mitigating Measures Policy which can be found here -

 Information on graduation can be found at: