Year 4 MBBS Interprofessional Education Guide


During Year 4, our purpose is for you to learn how Human Factors (see Appendix 1: Human Factors) affect interprofessional practice, with a particular focus on patient safety.   This will assist you to meet the GMC Tomorrow’s Doctors (2009) outcomes relating to learning and working effectively within a multi-professional team. 


We are specifically interested in you demonstrating the following:


Tomorrow’s Doctors Section 22

(a) Understand and respect the roles and expertise of health and social care professionals in the context of working and learning as a multi-professional team.

(b) Understand the contribution that effective interdisciplinary team working makes to the delivery of safe and high-quality care.


Tomorrow’s Doctors Section 23

(d) Promote, monitor and maintain health and safety in the clinical setting, understanding how errors can happen in practice, applying the principles of quality assurance, clinical governance and risk management to medical practice, and understanding responsibilities within the current systems for raising concerns about safety and quality.

To remind you of your roles from the new document: Outcomes for graduates (Tomorrow’s Doctors) July 2015

22 Learn and work effectively within a multi-professional team.

a. Understand and respect the roles and expertise of health and social care professionals in the context of working and learning as a multi-professional team.

b. Understand the contribution that effective interdisciplinary teamworking makes to the delivery of safe and high-quality care.

c. Work with colleagues in ways that best serve the interests of patients, passing on information and handing over care, demonstrating flexibility, adaptability and a problem-solving approach.

d. Demonstrate ability to build team capacity and positive working relationships and undertake various team roles including leadership and the ability to accept leadership by others.