SMS MSc Student Handbook 2019/20

20. Change of Study Programme

Your degree programme is initially the same as the course for which Queen Mary accepted you. Some details of your current study programme are encoded in MySIS and limit the options available to you. Provided you meet all the programme requirements, including those not encoded in MySIS, you can choose your elective modules freely, subject to the approval of your advisor. We may allow you to change your degree programme, but all such changes require careful consideration and formal approval. You must follow the procedures below and complete a Queen Mary Change of Programme of Study form, which is available from the Student Enquiry Centre, room CB02 in the Queens' Building, and on the web. If this form is not completed and returned to the Maths Office then you will not have formally requested to change your degree programme.

How do I change to a different Mathematical Sciences degree programme?

  1. Discuss the proposed change with your advisor or Programme Director, then complete a Change of Programme of Study form and obtain your advisor's signature (at the bottom of the front of the form; there is no designated area for this signature).
  2. Take the completed form to the director of the proposed new programme. If the Programme Director accepts the change, please leave the form with the Programme Director, who will also sign the bottom of the front of the form (next to your advisor's signature) and then forward it to the School Office, or direct to Registry to complete the processing.

How do I change to a degree programme run by another School?

  1. Visit the School that runs the degree programme you want to transfer to and discuss it with them. If they agree to the change then complete a Change of Programme of Study form.
  2. Take the completed form to your Programme Director for approval of your release from the School of Mathematical Sciences and inform your advisor.
  3. Take the completed form to the other School and follow their procedure for approving a change of study programme. They may require you to return the form to Registry yourself.