SMS MSc Student Handbook 2019/20

2. Welcome to the School of Mathematical Sciences

Dear Student,

Welcome (back) to Queen Mary and the School of Mathematical Sciences. We have an exciting programme of extra-curricular events lined up for you. Some will focus on helping you develop the skills you will need to get started on your chosen career. Some will be mainly just for fun and a chance to mix socially with other students and staff. We will provide further details on our notice boards and QMplus, and by email.

We have written this handbook to provide you with the background information that you need to organise your studies during the coming academic year. Please note that we update our student information each year, so if you are a continuing student you should always read through the latest version.

A lot of other important information is available via our QMplus landing page. In particular, this page provides access to details of your programme of study and the individual modules we offer. We also publish timely snippets of information on the web and on the display screens around the Mathematical Sciences offices in the Mathematical Sciences Building here in Mile End, so please check these frequently. We intend this handbook primarily for students following degree programmes organised by the School of Mathematical Sciences, but it should also be useful to students taking other joint programmes involving the School. We allocate our students an Advisor (usually your Programme Director or another member of staff who teaches on your programme), and your Advisor and other staff in the School will be happy to try to help if you can't find the information you need in this handbook or elsewhere on the web or in QMplus. You can also ask for help in the Maths School Office, MB102, on the first floor of the Mathematical Sciences Building.

With best wishes for the academic year 2019–20,

Professor Boris Khoruzhenko
Head of School, September 2019

Boris Khoruzhenko